Crisis Pregnancy Counselling
Crisis Pregnancy Counselling provides a safe space for individuals who are experiencing unplanned pregnancy to discuss their options with an unbiased counsellor who is there to listen, support and help them make an informed decision that is right for them.
How we can help
When someone discovers that they are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, feelings of shock and confusion are common. Circumstances may mean that they feel unable to discuss the situation with the people they are close to, and this may result in feelings of isolation. WPH has professional, highly trained, non-judgemental counsellors who are here to listen, support and discuss the available options with them. These options include continuing with the pregnancy, terminating the pregnancy (abortion) and considering alternatives such as adoption.
Our counsellors can help individuals to process their thoughts and feelings, provide reassurance in a time of uncertainty and may be able to offer further support following any choices that they make. However, we are not medical professionals and cannot provide medical advice or services. Whatever the decision, appropriate referrals will always be made to services that can provide the right support for the individual, including signposting to other local services that we work closely with.
How we conduct ourselves
We are a non-biased organisation and cannot offer recommendations or make decisions about what action (if any) an individual should take. In line with our Code of Ethics, all of the counselling that we offer is ‘non exploitative’ and as such:
- Is not to be used for the advancement of religion
- Is not to be used for the advancement of political parties
- Does not endorse the advancement of ‘Pro Life’, ‘Pro Choice’ or any other related campaigning issues
Our Crisis Pregnancy counsellors do not make any attempts at persuading or recommending that individuals should make a particular choice and are solely there to help the individual make the best decision for them. The Crisis Pregnancy Service makes up a small part of our organisation and we treat individuals accessing this service with compassion and respect.
How to access support
If you think you may need to access our Crisis Pregnancy Service, please contact our friendly team and advise that you require a Crisis Pregnancy Appointment.
If you are considering your options, it is often advisable to seek these services as soon as possible and within the UK legal time limits for those considering termination.